가톨릭 소식

주한 교황대사 알프레드 슈에레브 대주교님의 '2021 성탄 메시지' - 그분에 대한 믿음을 새롭게 하라고 우리를 초대해주십니다.

松竹/김철이 2021. 12. 21. 18:27

주한 교황대사 알프레드 슈에레브 대주교님의 '2021 성탄 메시지' - 그분에 대한 믿음을 새롭게 하라고 우리를 초대해주십니다.








[2021 성탄 메시지 - 주한 교황대사 알프레드 슈에레브 대주교]

- 그분에 대한 믿음을 새롭게 하라고 우리를 초대해 주십니다.


주한 교황대사 알프레드 슈에레브 대주교께서

희망이 되는 2021년 성탄 메시지를 보내주셨습니다.

함께 읽어볼까요?



2021 Christmas Message of Nuncio for CPBC


Since my arrival in Korea over 3 years ago, I have dedicated myself to get acquainted with the richness and beauty of the cultural traditions of this wonderful country. It was immediately clear to me that these traditions happen to be very different from those in Europe where I was born and raised. Nonetheless, I also encountered traditions common to both the Asian and the European continents, especially those rooted in the Christian faith. The Christmas festivities are one good example of the strong similarities between the two cultures.


As in my native land, the parish churches of Korea display a statue of baby Jesus and set up decorations for the Christmas Season. Moreover, I was pleased to learn that numerous Korean Catholics prepare a crib in their homes, thus creating a marvelous religious atmosphere. In my country, nearly all the households prepare a crib at home and decorate their windows with colorful twinkling lights adorning statues of the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Such wonderful traditions in their own way, offer an occasion to onlookers to reflect about the salvation mystery of the Nativity of Our Lord.


In spite of the differences seen in the respective traditions, there are circumstances in life which are common in every place you go. At the present time, for example, all nations without exception are experiencing the hardships caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, for many other reasons, there are persons in every country around the globe who are going through very painful and sad experiences. Such bleak situations, seemingly beyond reason and explanation, urge us to keep looking for a meaning with the hope of finding possible solutions. We ask ourselves: “why is this happening to me?” and “how can I cope with it?”


The celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ offers a unique opportunity to embrace a mystery which sheds light upon all facts of life even those enveloped by obscurity and suffering. At this time of the year, the Church invites us to fix our eyes on Jesus and renew our faith in Him who is the Light of the world. Let us lift up our hearts with hope and present our preoccupations and failures to baby Jesus asking Him to show us the way forward. He is our certitude and our Salvation; may we receive from Him the joy and peace we are so desperately looking for.


With these sentiments of trust in Jesus, I cordially greet the televiewers of CPBC and, on behalf of Our Holy Father Pope Francis, impart an apostolic blessing on you and on your families whilst giving you my best wishes for the New Year. A happy and holy Christmas to all!